The Sojourner Truth U.S. postage stamp was issued in 1986.
Sojourner Truth
The microrover on Mars Pathfinder was named for Sojourner Truth.
She was depicted on a U.S. postage stamp in 1986.
For more information, see the following:
August 1995 TES News has articles about Sojourner Truth and the microrover.
JPL Press Release on Sojourner announcement July 14, 1995
- Books for Young Readers:
- Sojourner Truth: Antislavery Activist, by Peter Krass,
Chelsea House Publ., 1988.
- Sojourner Truth: A Self-Made Woman, by Victoria Ortiz,
J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia and New York, 1974.
- Books for Older Readers:
- Journey Toward Freedom: The Story of Sojourner Truth,
by Jacqueline Bernard, Feminist Press, City University
of New York, 1990.
- Narrative of Sojourner Truth, by Sojourner Truth,
Vintage Books, New York, 1993 edition.
- Sojourner Truth: Slave, Prophet, Legend, by Charleton
Mabee, New York Univ. Press, New York, 1993.