TES NEWS, Volume 4, Number 4, December 1995

Crossword Puzzle Answers

In the last issue of TES News (August 1995), we presented a crossword puzzle created by middle school student Emily Rap of Tempe, Arizona. Here are the answers to her Apollo 11 Puzzle:

Across: 2. Module; 5. astronaut; 7. rocks; 8. SaturnV; 10. Eagle; 12. Collins; 16. Rover; 18. Mission; 21. six; 22. plaque; 23. Activity.

Down: 1. July; 2. Moon; 3. Armstrong; 4. Lunar; 5. Apollo; 6. craters; 9. Kennedy; 11. Aldrin; 13. Sea; 14. Service; 15. Houston; 17. LEM; 19. orbit; 20. flag.

Click HERE for Puzzle!

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