TES NEWS, Volume 5, Number 3, September 1996

REaD PLANET: Recent Mars Reading List
compiled by K. S. Edgett
The NASA announcement on August 6, 1996, that a group of scientists think
they have found evidence that Mars once had living organisms, sparked a new
wave of articles about the Red Planet. As of this writing, these articles are
still appearing-- we will list more in our
next issue of TES News.
An excellent review of what scientists were thinking about the issue of Life on Mars
before this story broke was presented by John Kross in the July-August 1996 issue of Ad Astra,
a magazine published by the National Space Society (1-800-376-ORBIT). This particular issue of
Ad Astra is a special issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Viking Mars landings.
Also of note here is the long awaited Blue Mars, the final in a series of Mars
colonization novels by Kim Stanley Robinson. The series began with Red Mars (1993),
then Green Mars (1994). These novels have actually been used in some U.S. classrooms
as a framework for exploring the issue of terraforming and living on Mars.
Another new science ficition piece related to Mars listed below takes advantage of the
coming centennial of H.G. Wells' famous War of the Worlds (1898) to present a series
of short stories by contemporary authors-- these stories are told from the perspective of
famous people who might have seen H.G. Wells' Martian invasion if it had really taken place.
The book, War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches, tells the story through the eyes of
Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, and many others.
Finally, why didn't the United States send humans to Mars after the successful 1969 - 1972
Apollo Moon landings? An article in Spaceflight, the magazine of the British
Interplanetary Society, explores this topic in "How NASA Lost the Case for Mars in 1969."
The British Interplanetary Society can be contacted at: 27/29 S. Lambeth Rd.,
London SW8 1SZ, England.
Mars in Fiction
- Blue Mars, by Kim Stanley Robinson, Bantam Books, New York, 1996.
- War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches, edited by Kevin J. Anderson, Bantam Books, New York, 1996.
Magazine Articles
- "Canada in the Cosmos," --Names of Canadian people and places
on the geographic features of Mars, Moon, and Venus--
Canadian Geographic, January-February 1996.
- "How to Get to Mars (And Make Millions!)," by J. Tierney, The New York
Times Magazine, May 26, 1996.
- "How NASA Lost the Case for Mars in 1969," by S. Baxter, Spaceflight, June 1996.
- "My Favorite Martian Or Requiem for a Red Planet: The Search for Life on Mars,"
by J. Kross, Ad Astra, July-August 1996.
- "Recycling our Space Program: No Deposit... No Return," by Buzz Aldrin and
L. David, Ad Astra, July-August 1996.
- "The Case for Colonizing Mars," by R. Zubrin, Ad Astra, July-August 1996.
- "Martian Meteorites: What are they Telling us About Mars?" by D.W. Mittlefehldt,
Ad Astra, July-August 1996.
- "Resources for Future Martians: Help K-12 Students Participate in Today's
Mars Exploration Efforts," by K. Edgett, Ad Astra, July-August 1996.
- "Mars '96: Russia's Return to the Forbidden Planet," by D. Burnham and A. Salmon,
Spaceflight, August 1996.
- "Search for Past Life on Mars: Possible Relic Biogenic Activity in Martian
Meteorite ALH84001," by D.S. McKay et al., Science, v. 273,
pp. 924-930, August 16, 1996.
- "Life on Mars," by L. Jaroff, Time, August 19, 1996.
- "The Martian Chronicles," by T. Watson et al., U.S. News & World Report,
August 19, 1996.
- "Come in, Mars," by A. Rogers, Newsweek, August 19, 1996.
- " `A Vindication of God' The Mars Find Excites Religious Thinkers,"
by K.L. Woodward, Newsweek, August 19, 1996.
- "The Cave that Holds Clues to Life on Mars," by P. Nelson,
National Wildlife, August-September 1996.
Back to Contents of TES News September 1996