
Mars Craft in "Cruise Phase"

by Ken Edgett, Arizona State University

We are on our way! As of this writing (February 14, 1997),
everything continues to go well with both the Mars Global Surveyor
and Mars Pathfinder missions. Mars Global Surveyor (MGS)
launched November 7, 1996, and will reach Mars on September 12, 1997.
Shortly after arrival, ASU's Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) will
begin to send back infrared observations of the Red Planet. Mars
Pathfinder launched December 4, 1996, and will land in Ares Vallis
on July 4, 1997. Onboard Mars Pathfinder is a small rover
named for Sojourner Truth, plus a wind sock experiment from ASU
and a camera from the University of Arizona in Tucson.
TES News is published quarterly by the Arizona Mars K-12 Education
Program. This newsletter may be copied for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.
EDITED BY Kenneth S. Edgett, Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program,
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
E-mail: ken.edgett@asu.edu