REaD MARS: Recent Mars Reading List

by Ken Edgett, Arizona State University

Mars Classroom Activity Ideas
- "Mars exploratory vehicles," by T.L. Cañizo, L.A. Lebofsky,
and N.R. Lebofsky, Science Scope, February 1997.
Congratulations to TES News readers Thea Cañizo
and the Lebofsky's for their recent publication in this NSTA
journal! Ms. Cañizo presented this activity at a past
Arizona Mars K-12 teacher workshop!
- Strategies for Mars: A Guide to Human Exploration, edited by
Carol R. Stoker and Carter Emmart, American Astronautical Society,
San Diego, CA, 1996.
- The Planet Mars, by William Sheehan, University of Arizona Press,
1996. (ISBN #0-8165-1641-3)
Kids Books
- Are We Moving To Mars? by Anne Schraff, John Muir Publications,
Santa Fe, NM, 1996. (ISBN #1-56261-310-3)
- Millions of Miles to Mars: A Journey to the Red Planet, by Joseph
W. Kelch, Silver Burdett Press, Parsippany, NJ, 1995.
(ISBN #0-671-88249-X)
- Mars, by Gregory L. Vogt, Millbrook Press, Brookfield, CT, 1994.
(ISBN #0-7613-0156-9)
Special Magazine Issues-- A MUST for your library!
- Aviation Week & Space Technology, December 9, 1996.
Special issue covering all of the many upcoming missions to the
planets, asteroids, and comets. Includes excellent articles about the
1996 and 1998 Mars missions, plus Cassini and Huygens (launching to
Saturn and Titan later this year). Single copies of this highly
recommended issue cost about U.S. $7.00. Call: (212) 512-2886.
- The Plantary Report, January-February 1997.
Magazine Articles
- "Mars on a shoestring," by R. Zubrin, Technology Review,
November-December 1996.
- "War of the World Views: A century of debate over life on Mars ends
with bacteria beating Little Green Men," by Stephen Jay Gould,
Natural History, December 1996/January 1997.
- "Assault on the Red Planet," by M. Carroll, Popular Science,
January 1997.
- "The Return of Mars," by A.M. MacRobert, Sky & Telescope,
January 1997.
- "Water erosion on Mars," by M.H. Carr, Ad Astra, January-
February 1997. (published by the
National Space Society).
- "The magic of Mars," by J.F. Lockwood, Mercury, January-
February 1997. (published by the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific).
- "Life on Mars, and in Science," by B.V. Lowenstein, Mercury,
January-February 1997.
- "Hubble spots Mars' Dust Storm," Astronomy, February 1997.
- "More evidence for martian life?" Astronomy, February 1997.
- "Mars and Comet frame March sky," by F. Schaaf, Sky & Telescope,
March 1997.
- "The Red Planet's Colorful Past," by W. Sheehan, Astronomy,
March 1997.
- "Your Guide to Observing Mars," by M. Paulson, Astronomy,
March 1997.
TES News is published quarterly by the Arizona Mars K-12 Education
Program. This newsletter may be copied for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.
EDITED BY Kenneth S. Edgett, Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program,
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
E-mail: ken.edgett@asu.edu