March 1997 Volume 6 Number 1

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Welcome Back, Mars!

Mars as it looked on January 4, 1997, from the Hubble Space Telescope. Mars makes its closest approach to Earth about every 26 months. The best time to see Mars this time around is in March 1997. Look for a bright red object in the constellation Virgo-- it should rise shortly after sunset until mid-March, then it will be up nearly the entire night for the rest of the month. See if you can track Mars relative to the stars over the next several months. What does it do?

Image courtesy NASA & Jim Bell, Cornell University. (If image is not visible on this page, it could be a problem with the link to Cornell).

TES News is published quarterly by the Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program. This newsletter may be copied for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.

EDITED BY Kenneth S. Edgett, Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.