REaD MARS: Recent Mars Reading List

by Ken Edgett, Arizona State University

Kids Books
- Discovering Mars: The Amazing Story of the Red Planet,
by Melvin Berger, Scholastic, Inc., New York, 1992.
(ISBN #0-590-45221-5)
Magazine Articles
- "If I were President," by Carl Sagan, George, February 1997.
(A popular politics magazine article by the late Carl Sagan--
if he could have been President, he would have liked to
establish "a human presence on Mars").
- "NASA Networks Mars," by M. Carroll, Astronomy, April 1997.
(About the New Millenium Microprobes that will accompany
the 1999 Mars landings)
- "The Quest for Mars," by J.D. Beish, Sky & Telescope,
May 1997.
- "Debate over Mars life heats up," Astronomy, May 1997.
Spanish Language Materials
- Universo, Guia del Sistema Solar, Full-color magazine-style
guide to the Solar System, including 1-2 pages on each planet,
the Sun, comets, and asteroids. The 1997 edition includes
the story about possible life on Mars.
- Universo, Almanaque Celestial 1997, Full-color, magazine-style
celestial almanac for 1997. Lists and shows how to see major
astronomical events of the year. Items are listed by month,
for example, the March opposition of Mars, the March-May
appearance of the Hale-Bopp comet, and the August Perseid
meteor showers are included.
- These two items and other written, audio, and CD-Rom Spanish-language
(and English) material about astronomy are available from the
McDonald Observatory, University of Texas at Austin, 2606 University
Ave., #3.118, Austin, TX, 78712, U.S.A. Also see:
Mars Slide Sets from Lunar and Planetary Institute
- "Ancient Life on Mars?" (40 slides-- NEW!)
- "The Red Planet: A Survey of Mars" (40 slides)
- "The Winds of Mars" (30 slides)
- "Stones, Wind, and Ice: Martian Impact Craters" (30 slides)
- "Volcanoes on Mars" (20 slides)
- "A Spacecraft Tour of the Solar System" (40 slides)
- These slide sets are among a total of 13 sets currently offered
by LPI, the Lunar and Planetary Institute, 3600 Bay Area Blvd.,
Houston, TX 77058-1113, U.S.A. The sets cost around
U.S. $18 - $22, plus shipping. Contact LPI by mail,
phone: (281-486-2172), fax: (281-486-2186), or WWW:
TES News is published quarterly by the Arizona Mars K-12 Education
Program. This newsletter may be copied for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.
EDITED BY Kenneth S. Edgett, Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program,
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
E-mail: ken.edgett@asu.edu