
Mars Education Announcements and Events

Compiled by Ken Edgett, Arizona State University

Dates in 1997:
- mid-March:
Mars at Opposition. Closest approach of Mars to Earth since
1995. See articles from magazines listed in
"REaD MARS" (like Sky & Telescope and Astronomy)
for details on how to view the Red Planet.
- April 3-6:
National Science Teachers Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Several "Mars" related sessions will be presented. From the
Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program, look for a presentation on
"Red Planet Connection" by Tricia Dieck and and a keynote address
to the Middle-Level Luncheon by Dr. Ken Edgett. For registration
information: NSTA Convention Office, 1840 Wilson Blvd., Arlington,
VA, 22201-3000, USA.
- April 24:
Passport to Knowledge "Live from Mars" telecast. In the
USA, check local listings for PBS coverage.
- July 2:
Mars Day at the Arizona Science Center, Phoenix, Arizona.
Events are being planned to precede the Mars Pathfinder
landing. Contact (602) 716-2000.
- July 3-6:
Planetfest '97. Celebrate Mars Pathfinder's landing
LIVE in Pasadena, California-- near JPL! Planetfest '97 is
sponsored by
The Planetary Society and will include a series of public and
educational events. Planetfest '97 will also celebrate the June
1997 NEAR encounter with asteroid Matilde and Galileo's
continuing Jupiter mission!
The Planetary Society,
(818) 793-5100.
- July 4:
Mars Pathfinder landing on Mars. Check local TV listings
for live coverage of events, including Passport to Knowledge "Live
from Mars" on PBS.
- September 12:
Mars Global Surveyor goes into orbit.
- in September:
Arizona Mars K-12 Teacher Workshop at Arizona State
University. (Date TBA in May 1997).
- in October:
Passport to Knowledge "Live from Mars" telecast.
- in November:
Passport to Knowledge "Live from Mars" telecast.
- March 15, 1998:
Mars Global Surveyor begins Mapping Phase.
Mapping will occur for 1 Mars year (through January 2000).
TES News is published quarterly by the Arizona Mars K-12 Education
Program. This newsletter may be copied for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY.
EDITED BY Kenneth S. Edgett, Arizona Mars K-12 Education Program,
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.
E-mail: ken.edgett@asu.edu