ASU Thermal Emission Spectral Library

Spectral Library Change Log

Updated 9 March 2007
A new spectral library web interface has been implemented. The interface contains the ASU public spectral library as well as other spectral collections. There are a number of new features, such as spectral plotting, grouping, and export options.

Updated 23 March 2006
A suite of sulfate spectra have been added to the spectral library. These spectra are listed in a published study by Lane [2006]. The spectra and ancillary data are available for download.

Updated 15 July 2003
A new set of spectra has been added to the library; these spectra represent particulate versions of calcite sample C2. The new spectra are not yet included in the searchable database, but are available for download. The chemical information for these samples is identical to the listing for sample C2 in the existing database. These spectra were published in Lane and Christensen [1998] and cover the 2000 - 400 cm-1 range. Spectra including the extended wavelength range to 220 cm-1 will be made available soon.

Updated 8 December 2000
The spectral library has been upgraded to version 1.5. This version includes new data that extend from 2000 to 220 cm-1, which includes the full wavelength range of the TES instrument. These data were acquired with ASU's new spectrometer, a Nicolet Nexus 670, equipped with an uncooled DTGS detector and CsI beamsplitter. This spectrometer is configured identically to the previous Mattson spectrometer (see below), and sample acquisition techniques are also identical. A couple of samples were unavailable for new analysis -- in these cases, the previously acquired spectral data is provided (2000 to 400 cm-1). There are no new samples being added to the library at this time.